tibetan sound healing
The Science of Sound

The use of the singing bowls is one of the most important types of sound healing. A singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played, which is both heard and felt . The resonance of the bowls harmonic vibrations are beneficial to the human body, providing a range of health advantages involving balance and relaxation, and are used to activate and tune the body’s chakras, or energy centers.
Sound healing using singing bowls has been used for centuries as a natural way to restore harmony to the body.
Its’ properties bring peace and focus to the mind. The vibration and sound produced by singing bowls create a deep sense of tranquility, reducing psychological and emotional stress. The “singing” sound is remarkable, a powerful, long lasting harmonic hum that can be both invigorating and calming at the same time.
It is believed that the delicate and unique sounds of singing bowls deeply affects our bodies, and brings benefits to our physical and psychological state. In addition to their traditional use for meditation, singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, and Chakra balancing.
There is an ancient belief that the universe began with a sound. Singing bowls produce tones which invoke a deep state of relaxation. A perfect aid to meditation, they can be found on Buddhist altars and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls.
The first singing bowls were in use 500 years ago, and there are 2000 year old bowls still in existence. Much of the highest art of singing bowl creation and use was in the Himalayan mountains, especially in Nepal and Tibet

When used as an alternative healing method, Singing Bowls are said to alleviate the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation in cancer patients. Reports say that Singing bowls help patients develop a sense of peace and well being, in addition to reducing their pain.
Reducing Stress
Sound from singing bowls stimulate the brain to move into Theta brain wave frequencies, inducing deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition. The sound vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and inhibit stress or pain responses.
The sound of singing bowls create an immediate centering effect. The tones set up a “frequency following response” balancing left/right brain synchronization. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones from singing bowls have a direct affect upon their chakras.
Shop our Bowls
Gopali Imports offers high quality singing bowls from the Himalayan region. These bowls are made of bronze alloy containing 7 different types of metal that correspond to the 7 chakra centers.
The best way to experience the health benefits of singing bowls is to come into the shop and try different singing bowls to discover which way is right for you. Master Gopali is an expert at matching singing bowls to each person.
You can also view the selection of bowls we have on our online store. If you don’t live locally or are unable to come into our shop, email or call us and we would be happy to help find the perfect bowl for you, based on your needs.

Sound Healing Sessions
General Benefits
- Reduces anxiety
- Increases a sense of peace
- Lowers anger and blood pressure
- Improves circulation and increases blood flow
- Produces deep relaxation and calmness
- Balances chakras
- Increases mental and emotional clarity
- Promotes stillness. Happiness, and wellbeing
Specific healings available
- Relaxation and stress relief
- Energy balancing and centering
- Ear and sinus discomfort relief
- Sacral/backache pain relief
- Pregnancy stress calming
What They Say